vineri, 16 aprilie 2010

Tips and Tricks

I write this post in English because it can help more people.

I think a lot of us recognize this text :

Request Blocked by URL Filter Database

Ofcourse. You are at work, at school, or anywere else and the network administrator blocked a lot of things.

Here are some tips and tricks to get passed this rules :

1. Install flash player without administrator rights :

1.1. download the archived flash player plugin from adobe website or from HERE !
1.2. change the extantion from the file from ".xpi" to ".zip".
1.3. extract the files and then copy the files flashplayer.xpt and NPSWF32.dll to your browser/Plugin folder (if you don't have one, create it and name it "plugin"). Examples :
                          a. Internet Explorer - C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\PLUGINS
                          b. Google Chrome - C:\Documents and Settings\youraccount\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\plugins
1.4. Enjoy !

2. Speak on messenger with your friends :

2.1. But, I don't think it will work, you can go on google and search webmessenger. You should find a lot of site were from you can go on messenger directly from the site.
2.2. This works for sure, but only on google mess. First make yourself a google account. (I use Google Chrome as my browser).
2.3. Now google "google accounts", log on, and then select IGoogle.
2.4. You should see in buttom right the chat pane.
2.5. Enjoy.

3. Check your email, or other blocked sites.

3.1. For this I know 2 solutions :

3.1.1. First, search on google proxy site's. You will find a lot of site here, but I know that most of them will be blocked. Anyway for sure you will find one that works. I will update this post and come to you with a site that contains the most new proxy sites. UPDATE : Link to the newest proxy sites.

3.1.2. Search on google what you want to check, then use the "Translate this page" option. It whould work. Anyway you can only see a preview of the page. You can't check emails. But for example I think you can log HI5.

4. Company Latop

4.1.  Here you can do a nice trick, but it is risky. First of all you have to be sure that you have 2 partitions and that partition C: doesn't use files from partition D:. If so, you can install another Windows on D:. Than on partition D: you will have administrator rights. Be aware, if programs from C: use files from D:, this programs might not work anymore. Anyway you can repair most of them, but I won't guaranty. 

4.2. This is more safe. You can try to boot a new Windows from a CD, External HDD, USB Stick. I didn't try it, but I heard it works.

5. If you try any of this, is your own risk. Don't forget that maybe you can lose your job because of this. You are paid to work. 

Roumanian Quote:

Oricat de putin ne-ar plati ei, noi putem sa muncim si mai putin.
No matter how less they will pay us, we can work even less.

If you did the 1st trick right you can watch now youtube, I provide you a search youtube tool directly on my site that is probably not blocked.



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