joi, 28 octombrie 2010

Timetraveler = ?

So ... am ajuns sa vad filmul asta din greseala.

Se pare ca intr-un film din Charlie Chaplin a fost prins un individ vorbind la mobil.

O fi sau nu o fi adevarat, nu cred, dar nu conteaza. Ce m-a amuzat mai tare au fost comentariile la acest filmulet.
Am facut o selectie cu ce mi s-a parut mie mai amuzant :

why would you go back to 1928?

Who the heck would she be talking to?

my question is, is their any video cam in the late 20s??? and who is he or she calling you cant call a person in the future....

I can't get reception in an elevator and she can in 1928 ????

thats some crazy sheeeeeet

maybe if he was able to time travel the celphone he was using was from the future that needs no signal or anything . . . am i weird?

Thats Not a Lady. And Nobody Will Ever know.

who says it's a cell phone? it could be a time traveler talking to their spacecraft...

this person is too over weight and out of shape to be a time traveler...

@littlegreenmonster77 that is precisely why they might be a time traveler. obesity has become more common over the years

the time traveller is telling her friend that she's in a chaplin movie.

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