miercuri, 2 august 2023


Oportunitate de investitie
Investment opportunity

Salut, va prezint o oportunitate de investitie in zona Bucur Obor, Bucuresti, intr-o parcela de teren de 1.767 de mp.
Hello, I present you a investment opportunity in the area Bucur Obor, Bucharest, in a plot of land of 1.767 sqm.

V-am pregatit o prezentare a terenului, date tehnice, idei de investitii si cateva studii de piata, estimarii de profit.
I prepared you a presentation of the land, the technical data, investment ideas and market studies, return of investment estimations.

Toate acestea la link-ul de mai jos:
All this on the link bellow:

vineri, 18 noiembrie 2016

Black Friday pe emag.ro

Ura ! Este Black Friday. Si doarece este Black Friday, hai sa ne cumparam chestii la reduceri semnificative.

Si cum emag.ro este cel mai aclamat site cu reduceri, am sa ii fac reclama.
Nu de alta, dar am intrat si eu azi sa imi cumpar un action camera. Mi-am instalat aplicatia, am dat refresh pana cand s-a terminat cu numaratoarea inversa si s-a dat startul reducerilor. Incantat am inceput sa caut.

Uitati ce am gasit:


Dar daca intri pe E-boda.ro

Asadar, super reduceri la Emag. Cumparaturi placute. :)

miercuri, 18 septembrie 2013


duminică, 1 aprilie 2012

Hai sa facem bani cu Wazzub

Inainte sa incepeti sa cititi ce scrie mai jos despre cum o sa deveniti multimilionari :) vreau sa va zic ca eu cred in piramida asta, a functionat inainte si sunt sigur ca va functiona si acum. Si nimeni nu are nimic de pierdut.

Before you start to read bellow how to become millionairs :) I would like to say that I belive in this pyramid scheme, it worked before and I'm sure it will work now. And nobody has nothing to lose. 

Mai sunt 8 zile in care te poti inscrie in aceasta piramida. Daca ati citit de la mine despre Wazzub va rog sa folositi acest link pentru a va inscrie :   http://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=5e1c0abb 
Oricum trebuie sa folositi un link ca sa intrati in sistem, si de ce nu al meu. Si nu uitati sa folositi site-ul pentru a crea venituri care vor ajunge in protofelele voastre.

There are only 8 days when you can be part of this pyramid. If read about Wazzub from me please follow this link to get in the system :  http://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=5e1c0abb  
Anyway you have to use someone's link to get in, so why not mine. And ultimately don't forget to use the site as this will make revenue that will bring profits to your wallet.

Varianta in Romana - recomand sa o cititi pe cea in Engleza.

Ce este WAZZUB?

Companii precum Google sau Facebook castiga miliarde de dolari pe an doar pentru ca noi, utilizatorii de internet, folosim serviciile lor.

Faza de prelansare a WAZZUB va dura pana pe 9 aprilie 2012. In aceasta faza se vor face doar inscrieri si fiecare membru va avea interesul de a isi extinde cat mai mult reteaua de referinte (pe 5 nivele).

Faza BETA va dura intre 9 aprilie 2012 si 30 iunie 2012.

Site-ul Wazzub va intra in circuit si membrii Wazzub vor incepe sa castige bani.

Pas cu pas site-ul va oferi tot mai multe facilitati, devenind un homepage ideal (pagina care se afiseaza implicit atunci cand deschizi browserul).

Astfel, homepage-ul Wazzub va include un motor de cautare puternic (asemeni GOOGLE), o sectiune personalizata de stiri, cele mai bune oferte de pe internet si multe alte facilitati legate de segmentul de divertisment, filme, jocuri si multe altele.

Wazzub se va baza pe feedback-ul primit de la utilizatorii sai astfel incat sa evolueze constant si sa ofere cele mai utile si populare functii.

Faza FINALA va incepe cu data de 1 iulie.

In faza finala Wazzub va incepe sa se concentreze pe monetizarea site-ului si pe obtinerea de profit. Jumate din acest profit va fi oferit membrilor inscrisi in faza de prelansare (pana la data de 9 aprilie 2012).

Fiecare membru va avea un numar de "factori de profit". De pilda... daca vei avea 4000 de membri inscrisi pe 5 nivele sub tine, asta va insemna ca vei avea 4000 de factori de profit. 50% din profitul Wazzub se va imparti la numarul total de factori detinut de membrii WAZZUB si fiecare membru isi va primi, lunar, contravaloarea factorilor detinuti.

Cu timpul WAZZUB va creste si va lua amploare. Va avea tot mai multi utilizatori insa numarul membrilor va ramane la nivelul celor inscrisi pana in data de 9 aprilie 2012. Asta inseamna ca factorii de profit vor deveni tot mai valorosi. Poate la inceput un factor de profit va aduce doar cativa centi. Insa... judecand dupa evolutia unor companii ca Facebook sau Google, factorii de profit ar putea trece de 1$ !!!

Cat vei castiga cu WAZZUB?
Sa presupunem ca aduci 5 oameni in sistem. Ii vei aduce destul de usor dat fiind ca nu ii va costa nici pe ei nimic. Vei avea, prin urmare, 5 membri pe primul nivel

Cei de pe nivelul 1 vor aduce si ei cate 5 oameni, prin urmare pe nivelul 2 vei avea 5 X 5 = 25 membri.
Cei de pe nivelul 2 vor aduce si ei cate 5 oameni, prin urmare pe nivelul 3 vei avea 5 X 25 = 125 membri.
Cei de pe nivelul 3 vor aduce si ei cate 5 oameni, prin urmare pe nivelul 4 vei avea 5 X 125 = 625 membri.
Cei de pe nivelul 4 vor aduce si ei cate 5 oameni, prin urmare pe nivelul 5 vei avea 5 X 625 = 3125 membri.

Asta inseamna ca, in reteaua ta de 5 nivele vei avea 5+25+125+625+3125 = 3905 membri 3905 membri inseamna 3905 factori pentru tine. Daca 1 factor va fi 1$ vei castiga 3905$ pe luna.

Daca la inceput 1 factor de profit va fi... poate... doar 1 cent vei castiga 39$ pe luna.

In timp insa... 1 factor ar putea ajunge la 1$... 2$... 3$, poate chiar mai sus.

Si... dat fiind ca aceasta afacere nu costa nimic, vei putea inscrie cu usurinta zeci sau chiar sute de membri pe primul nivel.

Gandeste-te de pilda daca fiecare ar inscrie 10 oameni. Asta ar insemna, 10+100+1.000+10.000 = 11.110 factori de profit (11.110$ pe luna atunci cand 1 factor de profit va fi 1$). 

Ce Trebuie Sa Faci Pentru a Reusi cu WAZZUB ?

Este simplu. Urmeaza pasii de mai jos :

Pasul 1: Te inscrii in afacere urmand linkul acesta...  http://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=5e1c0abb

Pasul 2: Te loghezi in contul tau Wazzub si vei gasi acolo linkul tau de afiliat ( Your personal reflink is: ). Cei care se vor inscrie de pe acel link vor intra pe primul nivel al retelei tale Wazzub.

Pasul 3: Daca esti neexperimentat, probabil ca nu prea vei sti cum sa iti faci o pagina in care sa prezinti afacerea in limba romana si pe intelesul romanilor - asa cum fac eu aici.

English variant

~ W.A.Z.Z.U.B, is a Brilliant Concept; It has NEVER Been Done Before ~

Make no mistake. W.A.Z.Z.U.B is a multi-billion dollar project.
It has been in the making since 2007 with over $2,000,000 already invested.

It’s the new Internet Phenomenon; it's here to stay and you are one of the first in the world to know about it. So, it's very important to understand what you have in your hands. This Baby WILL go VIRAL.

~ Timing is Everything ~

You can set yourself up for life financially - for FREE -
and earn Massive Passive Residual Income every month like nothing else out there.
~ This can happen at LIGHTNING SPEED because it's always FREE for all ~

The more FREE members you invite, the more money you will make.

You could earn about $1.00 per person in your "UNLIMITED" width x 5 generations-deep W.A.Z.Z.U.B family. (depending on the company growth)

If that doesn't seem like much, watch what happens...

You simply invite 5 friends to join for free-forever and they do the same 5 generations:

1st. Generation 5 x $1.00 = $5.00
2nd. Generation 25 x $1.00 = $25.00
3rd. Generation 125 x $1.00 = $125.00
4th. Generation 625 x $1.00 = $625.00
5th. Generation 3125 x $1.00 = $3,125.00
Your Passive Income could be = $3,905.00 every month for doing NOTHING different than what you are currently doing every day.

Most people will invite more than 5 free members.
What if everyone invited just 10 people?
That amount would EXPLODE to: $111,110.00 per month in passive residual income for LIFE!

Here's the KICKER: It doesn't stop there. The more people you invite the more money you'll make. The number of people you can invite is UNLIMITED.
Try 20 or 30 and see what happens... IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!

It's a fact that most people will join because it's UNIQUE,
it's POWERFUL and it's F*R*E*E. Everybody loves F*R*E*E.

~The sky truly is the limit here at W.A.Z.Z.U.B ~

My recommendation:

Step 1 – go here and sign up:  http://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=5e1c0abb

Step 2 – read all the important facts at: www.wazzub.info/facts.htm

Step 3 – read “How Is W.A.Z.Z.U.B Different? www.wazzub.info/difference.htm

Step 4 – invite your friends and partners to become a part in this success story

Hurry up, act now!

99.99% of the world doesn't know about this yet.

miercuri, 8 februarie 2012

Taxe incluse in pretul de benzina

Primit pe email :

- acciza este de 467 EUR / tona
- taxa de drum este de 125 EUR / tona
- taxa de solidaritate (cate un cent / litru - motivul este acoperirea
prejudiciului creat in urma falimentului Bancorex), adica 10 EUR /
Producatorul are pretul de aproximativ 370 EUR / tona.
Astfel rezulta urmatorul pret pe tona de benzina: 370+467+125+10=972
EUR / tona (taxe si accize)
Se adauga TVA de 24 %, adica 233.28 EUR
Totalul este de 1205.28 EUR / tona
Un litru de benzina este 1,205 EUR (aproximativ 5.15 RON)
Producatorul incaseaza 370 EUR / tona
Statul incaseaza 835.28 EUR / tona

miercuri, 1 februarie 2012

Retro Gaming

Foarte tare site-ul: http://www.pica-pic.com/

Hippopotam’s digital replicas of ’80s portable games may lack the “handheld” feature of the originals, but they have other advantages. The batteries never die on the Pica Pic site, for instance, and the buttons won’t stick. Otherwise, the recreations are meticulous, reviving forgotten gems from what is essentially the medium’s magic-lantern era. With barely more technological firepower than a Casio wristwatch, these devices compress classics like Zelda to their barest essence, often in clever, unexpected ways. That ingenious simplicity makes for games that are pure reflex and, better yet, have practically no learning curve. - source

joi, 24 noiembrie 2011

Wikipedia needs our help


From Wikipedia programmer Brandon HarrisI feel like I’m living the first line of my obituary.

I don’t think there will be anything else that I do in my life as important as what I do now for Wikipedia. We’re not just building an encyclopedia, we’re working to make people free. When we have access to free knowledge, we are better people. We understand the world is bigger than us, and we become infected with tolerance and understanding.
Wikipedia is the 5th most visited website in the world. I work at the small non-profit that keeps it on the web. We don’t run ads because doing so would sacrifice our independence. The site is not and should never be a propaganda tool.
Our work is possible because of donations from our readers. Will you help protect Wikipedia by donating $5, €10, ¥1000 or whatever you can afford?
I work at the Wikimedia Foundation because everything in my soul tells me it’s the right thing to do. I’ve worked at huge tech companies, doing some job to build some crappy thing that’s designed to steal money from some kid who doesn’t know it. I would come home from work crushed.
You might not know this, but the Wikimedia Foundation operates with a very small staff. Most other top-ten sites have tens of thousands of people and massive budgets. But they produce a fraction of what we pull off with sticks and wire.
When you give to Wikipedia, you’re supporting free knowledge around the world. You’re not only leaving a legacy for your children and for their children, you’re elevating people around the world who have access to this treasure. You’re assuring that one day everyone else will too. 
Thank you,
Brandon Harris
Programmer, Wikimedia Foundation

You should help us too. Donate here.